Wednesday, July 31, 2019

PU 2019-07-31

Administrator Blog
Kota Medan
Administrator Blog Blog Administrator maksudnya orang yang mengurusi posting-an di blog tersebut dan men-share-nya ke media sosial seperti Facebook, Twitter, dll. Orientasinya adalah jumlah penanyangan. Supaya jumlah penanyangan banyak, posting-an yang dibuat harus banyak dan menarik. Makin banyak jumlah penanyangan makin besar pendapatan Google Inc, makin tinggi pula pencitraan diri. Makin sedikit jumlah penanyangan makin kecil pendapatan Google Inc, makin rendah pula pencitraan diri. Waktu pelaksanaan Administrator Blog adalah di sp, bersamaan dgn p smpg kalau tdk a p, bersamaan dgn sls kalau tdk ketemu ksm dan urusan lainnya, dan Join with YouTube.
Translate to English: Blog Administrator Blog Administrator means people who take care of posts on the blog and share them on social media such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. The orientation is the number of views. In order to have a large number of views, the posts made must be large and interesting. The more number of views the greater the revenue of Google Inc. the higher the self-image. The smaller the number of impressions the smaller Google Inc's revenue is. the lower the self-image. During the implementation of the Blog Administrator effendisastra.God Bless You was in sp, together with p smpg if not a p, along with the sls if you didn't find ksm and other matters. Can also be considered a hobby, image, amateur, and affect Google's income.

Administrator YouTube/YouTube Administrator
Kota Medan
Administrator YouTube/YouTube Administrator maksudnya orang yang mengurusi posting-an video di Akun YouTube dan men-share-nya ke media sosial seperti Facebook, Twitter, dll. Orientasinya adalah jumlah jam tayang dan jumlah subscriber. Supaya jumlah jam tayang dan jumlah subscriber, posting-an video yang dibuat harus banyak dan menarik. Makin banyak jumlah jam tayang dan jumlah subscriber, makin besar pendapatan Google Inc, makin tinggi pula pencitraan diri. Makin sedikit  jumlah jam tayang dan jumlah subscriber, makin kecil pendapatan Google Inc, makin rendah pula pencitraan diri. Waktu pelaksanaan Administrator YouTube/YouTube Administrator adalah pada saat pengambilan video menarik sudah selesai, bersamaan dengan p smpg, tdk bs tdr pd tdr sg dan mlm, dan sls kl tdk ktm ksm, dan urs lainnya. Kalau tidak mencapai 4.000 jam tayang dan 1.000 subscriber dapat dianggap sebagai hobi, amatir, image, dan dapat mempengaruhi pendapatan Google, serta dwld fl dr internet, Biarpun sulit melewati 4.000 jam tayang dan 1.000 subscriber tapi kalau mau berusaha pasti bisa.
Translate to English: YouTube / YouTube administrators means people who manage to post videos on a YouTube account and share them on social media such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. The orientation is the number of hours and number of customers. In order for the number of hours and the number of customers, posting the video made must be large and interesting. The more hours and number of customers, the greater the income of Google Inc., the higher the self-image. The fewer the number of shows and the number of customers, the smaller the income of Google Inc., the lower the self image. YouTube Time / YouTube Administrator Administrator is when capturing interesting videos is complete, along with p smpg, If it doesn't reach 4,000 broadcast hours and 1,000 subscribers can be considered hobbies, amateurs, images, and can affect Google's revenue, and internet with flats, Even though it's hard to if you want to try it, you can

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