Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Deskripsi Pekerjaan Utama

  • Administrator Blog's Administrator24 Juli 2012 hingga sekarangKota Medan
    Administrator Blog maksudnya orang yang mengurusi posting-an di blog tersebut dan men-sharing-nya ke media sosial seperti Facebook, Twitter, Google+, BBM (BlackBerry Messenger), dll. Orientasinya adalah jumlah penanyangan. Supaya jumlah penanyangan banyak, posting-an yang dibuat harus banyak dan menarik. Makin banyak jumlah penanyangan makin besar pendapatan Google Inc. makin tinggi pula pencitraan diri. Makin sedikit jumlah penanyangan makin kecil pendapatan Google Inc. makin rendah pula pencitraan diri. Waktu pelaksanaan Administrator Blog adalah pada pagi hari hari Sabtu dan Minggu atau Minggu saja pada saat bekerja dan pada pagi hari hari Selasa s.d. Sabtu pada saat tidak bekerja dan tidak ada bursa kerja, interview, psikotes, atau tes Akuntansi. Translate to English: Blog’s Administrator means people who take care of the post late in the blog and share it to social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, BBM (BlackBerry Messenger), etc. The orientation is the number of impressions. So that the number of impressions a lot, blog posts made to be many and interesting. The more the number of impressions the greater the revenue of Google Inc. the higher the self-image as well. The fewer the number of impressions the smaller the revenue of Google Inc. the lower the self-image as well. Blog’s Administrator execution time is in the morning on Saturday and Sunday or Sunday only at work and on the morning of Tuesday until Saturday at the time did not work and there is no Job Fair, Interview, Psychological Test , or Accounting Test.

  • Administrator YouTube Effendi Sastra/Effendi Sastra's YouTube Administrator17 Desember 2009 hingga sekarangKota Medan
    Administrator YouTube Effendi Sastra/Effendi Sastra's YouTube Administrator maksudnya orang yang mengurusi posting-an video di Akun YouTube tersebut dan men-sharing-nya ke media sosial seperti Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Blog, BBM (BlackBerry Messenger), dll. Kemudian dari Blog men-sharing-nya ke media sosial juga seperti Facebook, Twitter, Google+, BBM (BlackBerry Messenger), dll. Orientasinya adalah jumlah view. Supaya jumlah view banyak, posting-an video yang dibuat harus banyak dan menarik. Makin banyak jumlah view, makin besar pendapatan Google Inc. makin tinggi pula pencitraan diri. Makin sedikit jumlah view, makin kecil pendapatan Google Inc. makin rendah pula pencitraan diri. Waktu pelaksanaan Administrator YouTube Effendi Sastra/Effendi Sastra's YouTube Administrator adalah pada saat pengambilan video menarik sudah selesai. Translate to English: Effendi Sastra’s YouTube Administrator means the person who's in charge posting videos on YouTube Account and to share it to social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Blog, BBM (BlackBerry Messenger), etc. Then from Blog to share it to social media as well as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, BBM (BlackBerry Messenger), etc. The orientation is the number of view. So that the number of view a lot, posting early videos created must be numerous and attractive. A greater amount of view, the greater the revenue of Google Inc. the higher the self-image. The fewer the number of view, the smaller the revenue of Google Inc. the lower the self-image. The timing of the Effendi Sastra’s YouTube Administrator is The Interesting video has been made.

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